Birthdate and birthplace: Гр. Плевен

Position: Head of Biochemistry division, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Medical University – Pleven,


AcademicQualifications:        PhD in Biochemistry; DSc in Biochemistry

Academic degree: Professor


PHD thesis: "Thermal stability of fibrillar collagens, influence of various chemical factors"


The scientific degree "Doctor of Science";

Dissertation "A new insight at the role of genetic and non-genetic risk factors in the pathogenesis of thrombotic events in patients with venous thromboembolism and reproductive problems"


Academic Career:     



Coordinated EU  PROJECTS







Scientific Areas:


In the field of DNA analysis, Metabolism  and Clinical nutrition:





Number of scientific papers - a total of 236 of which 2 dissertations, 92 published articles in scientific journals (34 International and 60 Bulgarian), 16 co-authorship in books chapters and 124 papers with published abstracts (65 in Bulgaria and 59 abroad).

The total number of citation is 436, of which 405 in foreign and 31 in Bulgarian magazines. The total impact factor is 75,086 (IF of publications - 48,247 and IF of abstracts - 26,839).






Membership in scientific organizations:




Scientific Projects:  MU-Pleven & Ministry of education