Birthdate and birthplace: 08/11/196, Ruse, Bulgaria

Work position:
From 2011 to 2012 - physicist in division "Physics and Biophysics" of MU-Pleven;


From 2012 until now - assistant in division "Physics and Biophysics", Department of
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Biophysics and Physics, MU Pleven.


From 2016 until now lecturer in division "Physics and Biophysics, Mathematics and
Information Technology", Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Physics and Biophysics MU Pleven.


From 2017 until now lecturer in division "“Physics, biophysics, preclinical and clinical
sciences” at the Faculty of Pharmacy; MU Pleven.

1987 - School of Mathematics "Baba Tonka”, Ruse
1994 - Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski " - Masters degree in Physics with
specialization "Optics and Spectroscopy",

Additional qualifications:
Vocational training of teachers in Physics - “Problem-based and interactive training” -
training seminars.
Operator of computer systems.


Research interests: